At 7 years old, Dawson was scared that he and his older brother, Dalton, might not grow up together because they were struggling in foster care.
Adopting them was tough since Dalton has cerebral palsy and epilepsy, can’t speak, and is a quadriplegic. Many families wanted to adopt Dawson, but he feared being separated from his brother.
Thankfully, with help from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Florida parents Robbin and Steven, the boys are now together and thriving.
When Dawson first came to his new home in Florida, he was in second grade but read at a kindergarten level. With love and security, he started to improve quickly.
“The light clicked, and it was game on,” his mom said. “He made the honor roll for four straight semesters.”
Today, Robbin is thrilled with her sons.
“Dawson is who he is because he got to stay with his brother. Dalton is his heart.”
Dalton’s medical issues have inspired Dawson to become a doctor to help others like Dalton’s doctors helped him.
“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for Dalton,” said Dawson. “I just love being with him.”
Steve and Robbin now have a handicap-accessible van and a new wheelchair for Dalton. They are also working with local vendors to build an accessible swimming pool.
“Dalton is the greatest gift I was ever given,” said Robbin in a YouTube video by the Foundation. “He brings more joy and love than anyone I have ever met.”