Arizona, Nevada, Florida: Battlegrounds for Abortion Rights in Upcoming Election

Abortion rights advocates aim to continue their momentum this year, pushing to present the issue to voters in nearly a dozen states during November’s election.

In swing states like Arizona, Nevada, and Florida—expected to be pivotal in the upcoming presidential contest—efforts are underway to secure abortion rights.

The divisive nature of abortion has made it a rallying point for Democrats and a challenge for Republicans. Since the U.S. Supreme Court decentralized abortion rights in 2022, seven states, including conservative strongholds like Ohio and Kansas, have voted in favor of abortion access.

This issue notably influenced the political landscape in 2022, potentially tempering a Republican surge and contributing to Democratic victories in Kentucky and Virginia. It is anticipated to remain a central theme in this year’s presidential race and other political campaigns.

Here’s a breakdown of the states where abortion rights could be on the ballot:


Arizona for Abortion Access, a coalition of reproductive rights groups, has garnered over 250,000 signatures—approaching the required 384,000—to place a measure on November’s ballot, ensuring abortion rights up to fetal viability, typically around 23 or 24 weeks.


Floridians Protecting Freedom, a coalition of reproductive rights groups, has amassed over 900,000 valid signatures, sufficient for a November ballot measure safeguarding abortion rights. However, the measure faces scrutiny from the Florida Supreme Court over its language, challenged by State Attorney General Ashley Moody as misleading and vague.


In Nevada, abortion rights advocates will officially launch their signature drive with a Las Vegas rally to place a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights on November’s ballot. The initiative aims to make existing protections harder to revoke by enshrining them in the state constitution.


In Missouri, South Dakota, and Arkansas, where nearly all abortions are banned, efforts are underway to collect signatures for ballot initiatives to cement abortion rights into state constitutions. Similar campaigns are active in Nebraska, Montana, and Colorado, where supporters seek constitutional safeguards against potential rollbacks of abortion rights.

In Montana, a proposed ballot measure is pending, awaiting resolution from the state Supreme Court after being deemed legally insufficient by the Republican attorney general.

Two states—New York and Maryland—have abortion-related measures already slated for the ballot, aiming to enhance existing protections under state law via amendments to their respective state constitutions.

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